Making the morning-after pill over the counter would only benefit those that profit from its increased sale, but the real price will be paid by women and girls who would suffer the health consequences.
- Wendy Wright
Since the 2004 election and the advent of 'values voters,' the abortion lobby has redefined, but not changed, its goal.
- Wendy Wright
We should be just as concerned about women's safety as we are about their rights. I've been stunned by the comments that some women have to pay the price of death so that women can have abortions.
- Wendy Wright
You will have people ... falling back on this idea we'll all just go to the drugstore in the morning and get a morning-after pill.
- Wendy Wright
There is not only a lack of success for condoms. It's worse than that -- they are utter failures.
- Wendy Wright
In any scenario in which a woman would be taking the morning-after pill she needs medical intervention.
- Wendy Wright
It is naive to assume any over-the-counter scheme for the morning-after pill would be effective. Making the morning-after pill over-the-counter would only benefit those that profit from its increased sale, but the real price will be paid by women and girls who would suffer the health consequences.
- Wendy Wright
Thank goodness, there is now one less political activist at the FDA who puts radical feminist ideology above women's health.
- Wendy Wright
If you subsidize an activity you get more of it. It's encouraging the behavior that leads to more clients for abortion clinics.
- Wendy Wright
It is precisely this kind of anti-Christian religious litmus test that many Americans find deeply offensive. Our nation is founded on Judeo-Christian principles which have made it one of the freest nations in the world.
- Wendy Wright
Is this safe for women, when in fact there have been no studies done on the long-term effects on women who take the morning-after pill, and there are no studies that have been done on multiple uses -- if a woman uses it more than once.
- Wendy Wright
Feinstein is dipping her toe into the very ugly, muddy waters of religious bigotry. America's Founding Fathers considered religious beliefs to be an asset, even essential to public officeholders. Sadly, Sen. Feinstein apparently believes the opposite of those wise men to whom we owe gratitude for our free and strong country.
- Wendy Wright
When a drug is easily available, it is a public health hazard to women.
- Wendy Wright
The profit motive behind Planned Parenthood's involvement in making the morning-after pill [available over the counter] is something that needs to be seriously looked at and questioned.
- Wendy Wright