5 Reasons To Stay Connected To God

“Prayer is the link that connects us with God.”

– A.B. Simpson

Unlimited Minutes

Praying to God is nothing like your call plan because you probably have limited minutes, but God has unlimited minutes in which you can pray, and we’re told to “pray without ceasing” (1st Thess 5:17). You don’t always have to be in your prayer closet to pray. You can pray on the way to work, in the shower, while on break, in your work, and wherever you go and whatever you do. Don’t lose such a valuable resource as praying to your heavenly Father.

Unlimited Coverage

Just as you have unlimited minutes to pray to God, you have unlimited coverage, because there is no place that God is not at. The psalmist wrote, “If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there” (Psalm 139:8)! In fact, “If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me” (Psalm 139:9-10). God is found to be wherever you are.

Unlimited Resources

Who has greater resources than God? Of course, no one does, “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine” (Psalm 50:10-11). God doesn’t only own the forest, every bird, beast and “the cattle on a thousand hills,” but also, the hills themselves.

Unlimited Intimacy

There is nothing like having confidentiality in counseling. I counsel people with the assurance that I never, ever share it with anyone else, not even with my wife. It’s something I take very seriously, but with God, you know what you pray in heaven, stays in heaven. You have such an intimate relationship with God that you can tell Him anything so just pour your heart out to Him.  You know He hears.

Unlimited Future

God has given us a glimpse into eternity in His Word, particularly in Revelation chapters 21 and 22. When we see God, prayer will cease because we can simply talk to God face to face. This is because He will be with us and we shall see His face for the very first time (Rev 21:3; 22:4), so prayer is just for this side of the veil, because “he will dwell with” us (Rev 21:3), and we can talk to Him.


In saying, “Prayer is the link that connects us with God,” A.B. Simpson may mean that we have unlimited access to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ our Mediator and it is through His holy name we pray, so prayer connects us to God. Come to God in prayer as often as you can because He is everywhere you need to be and supplies us with all that we’ll ever need (Matt 6:33).  All you need do is ask.