Pastor Jack Wellman

Pastor Jack Wellman is married to Martha Wellman, and has 2 grown children and 7 grandchildren. He’s been a Senior Pastor for over 12 years, being bi-vocational, and for the last 15 years, a prison minister for the State of Kansas. During that time, he and his wife found themselves in a prison ministry, a nursing home ministry, and an outreach to the poor and homeless at a nearby homeless shelter…and all by providence, not intentionally seeking out these ministries. For example, the prison ministry started with one letter to an inmate, but since then has grown to well over 100 men and women. Pastor Jack now has an open door to several state prisons, and he send Bible studies to prisoners across the state, but now, across the nation….and at no cost. Since believers are commanded to go out into all the world and make disciples of others, teaching them the same things Jesus taught His own disciples (Matt 28:15-20), Jack and Marth began discipling men and women prisoners. Some of the fruit of that has been dozens of men and women saved, growth in the prison churches, and recently, over 40 baptisms. Pastor Jack believes that God has called all of us to visit the sick and those in prison, to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and make strangers feel welcome (Matt 25:35-36), but in reality, doing it unto Him (Matt 25:40).
Jack did his post-graduate work at Moody Theological Seminary and has a master’s in biblical studies. Before that, he wrote 4 books, primarily about evangelizing the lost and teaching children the gospel, although more are given away than sold, but that’s fine with him. He writes for Telling Ministries, writing, editing, formatting, scheduling, publishing, and overseeing much of the content on What Christians Want to Know, Faith in the News, Christian Quotes, and Rhetorical Jesus. He also answers questions from these websites through the various “Contact Us” links.
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