– Mother Teresa
How can we spread God’s love by more than words? We can spread God’s love by the way we live our lives.
More is Caught than Taught
If I were to look at love in action, it would be looking at the life of Mother Teresa. She was so selfless in showing God’s love by going to places around the world that few would ever go and ministering to those who most would have nothing to do with. Isn’t this what Jesus did? He ate with sinners, He went to Samaria, and He talked with women. All of these things were offensive to the self-righteous religious leaders during Jesus’ earthly ministry but God has regard for those who no one else regards. He considers those who no one else does. He ministers to those who no one else will have anything to do with. More is caught than taught because talk is cheap and actions always speak louder than words.
Actions Drown Out Your Words
I believe that children are not deceived. When they see duplicity in us they will not heed our words. It’s like this; “I can’t hear what you are saying because your actions are drowning your words out.” If our words are few but our actions show the love of God, then others can see God working in us. They won’t be convinced by what you say but by what you do. No one is going to serve if you ask them to but never do yourself. No one is going to help those who need help if you never do. We must be following the example of Christ and spreading God’s love by how we minister to others. Jesus never just talked about serving…He did it, leaving for an example for the ages.
When Words are Necessary
Some of my favorite people are those who are like Barnabas. Barnabas always trusted people when others wouldn’t. He would see the potential of lemonade when others simply saw lemons. We all need encouraging words and one simple little word can go a long, long way in making someone’s day special. Use your words to build up, to edify, to exhort, and to encourage others. James writes that “From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so” (James 3:10). We should only speak those things which are helpful. Paul wrote “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Eph 4:29). It is better to not say anything than to say something that is going to tear someone down.
The love of God is more often displayed to others by what we do rather than what we say. We can quote Scripture, sound religious, or abstain from the appearance of evil but if we don’t walk the walk and only talk the talk, all we are is “a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Cor 13:1) that just makes a lot of noise and is good for nothing.