Crystal is a writer, speaker, and teacher. Her biggest passion is to encourage women to continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. She is the writer at the very popular daily devotional site for women,
Crystal’s writing style is one that many women can relate to and is one of the main reason’s her devotional has quickly become a favorite of many women.
When I release my weaknesses and blind spots to God, He uses them to help me grow up spiritually.
- Crystal McDowell
Because of the favor of God, we can have peace in the midst of chaos.
- Crystal McDowell
We need to give a little extra thought to our words so that they will be life-giving and helpful to our hearers.
- Crystal McDowell
If God gave us the strength in the past, He will supply what we need for future challenges.
- Crystal McDowell
Are we willing to publicly confess our allegiance to God and His ability to save?
- Crystal McDowell
He promises that if we give, He will pour out a greater blessing on our lives.
- Crystal McDowell
We can have the mind of Christ when we meditate on the Word of God.
- Crystal McDowell
When we have struggles in this life, just knowing that God has a plan that is for our good can give us hope for the future.
- Crystal McDowell
As believers in Christ Jesus, we have the benefit of enjoying a rich and full relationship with God every day.
- Crystal McDowell
The Holy Spirit will prompt us in the right direction as we learn to hear His voice and respond in obedience.
- Crystal McDowell
Our patience is demonstrated most clearly when we settle ourselves and focus on what we can do while we wait.
- Crystal McDowell
A strong woman of God can lead others to strength as she continues to grow in her faith.
- Crystal McDowell
Those who invest more into a relationship with Jesus will have a greater sense of rejoicing in Him.
- Crystal McDowell
He can use our mistakes to reveal to our children our complete dependence on a perfect God.
- Crystal McDowell
You may never get totally rid of the flesh; however, you can overcome and make it powerless in your life if you are willing to live a spiritual life.
- Crystal McDowell
The voice of God is always in balance with His word, and His word will lead us out of the dumps and towards truth.
- Crystal McDowell
She can find peace in the midst of a hard marriage when she turns to God for strength, wisdom, and the ability to overcome.
- Crystal McDowell
He promised to never leave or forsake us, and He always keeps His promises.
- Crystal McDowell
Because God disciplines those He loves, He will take drastic measures to get our attention if we need to grow up spiritually.
- Crystal McDowell
When we let our children fly as arrows, we understand that we have been chosen by God to be the bow in their lives and point them in the right direction as we lead them to Jesus.
- Crystal McDowell
We are strengthened by this hope and His promise to turn it for our good regardless of what the situation looks like.
- Crystal McDowell
There is an amazing and refreshing journey of freedom for those who know Jesus Christ as Lord.
- Crystal McDowell
Believers are encouraged to put on the full armor of God in order to deal with our common enemy: Satan.
- Crystal McDowell
As we consistently turn to Him for direction, we become more able to hear and know the right way to go.
- Crystal McDowell
Through the Holy Spirit you are comforted in your trials, you are strengthened in weakness, and you are saved through Jesus Christ.
- Crystal McDowell
Perhaps the Lord allows us to have more than our portion as an opportunity for us to share the good things we have with others who are in need.
- Crystal McDowell
Instead of thinking about how hard the test is, we can instead focus on asking the Lord to enlarge our understanding.
- Crystal McDowell
When we are in danger, He is the Protector. When we are in need, He is the Provider. When we are under attack, He is the Defender.
- Crystal McDowell
Total Quotes Found: 39