12 Franklin Graham Quotes

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No matter what storm you face, you need to know that God loves you. He has not abandoned you.
- Franklin Graham

It was Christ who willingly went to the cross, and it was our sins that took him there.
- Franklin Graham

When we first arrived and saw the overwhelming destruction, many people asked where you even begin to respond? It starts with helping just one person, one family at a time, and doing what we can to give people relief and a sense of hope.
- Franklin Graham

We must not forget that it wasn't the Jews that put him on the cross, and it wasn't the Romans. It was my sins, it was your sins, the sins of this world.
- Franklin Graham

There was one thing I was never going to do--no way: preach at a crusade!
- Franklin Graham

At a time when our country is waging two wars, approval ratings for Congress are at historic lows, unemployment is at a 70-year high and financial institutions have collapsed around us, I can't imagine anyone seriously opposing a National Day of Prayer.
- Franklin Graham

I love the people of Islam but their religion, I do not agree with their religion at all. And if you look at what the religion does just to women, women alone, it is just horrid. And so yes, I speak out for women. I speak out for people that live under Islam, that are enslaved by Islam and I want them to know that they can be free.
- Franklin Graham

I do not believe Muslims were evil because of their faith, but as a minister, I believe it is my responsibility to speak out against the terrible deeds that are committed as a result of Islamic teaching.
- Franklin Graham

I'm not condemning people. God's going to do that. I just want to be honest with people. I just want to tell them the truth. ... People don't want to know what I have to say. They want to know what God has to say.
- Franklin Graham

I want them to know that they don't have to die in a car bomb, don't have to die in some kind of holy war to be accepted by God. But it's through faith in Jesus Christ and Christ alone.
- Franklin Graham

We all face storms in life, whether it is a storm like Katrina, a storm in a marriage, or a storm in our finances.
- Franklin Graham

No judge can stop us from praying for our country and I pray that on May 6, millions of Americans will join me in praying for our President, all of our elected leaders, and even for this unjust judge and all those who rule from the bench - that God would guide them and give them wisdom.
- Franklin Graham

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