54 G.V. Wigram Quotes

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It comes to my having the mind of God, do I want to be like Christ in everything? If born of God, I have power to overcome all that is not of God, and to walk according to God.
- G.V. Wigram

Let us ever remember that God recognizes every expression of praise and of His people's love. He knows so well what His love and grace are to us that He must expect us to praise Him.
- G.V. Wigram

As believers, we are cut off from all thought of futures, from making plans in connection with this world. I shall not be ready for Christ to come if I am settled down in Sodom and trying to heap up its dross. Whatever duty the Lord has meant us to be doing, each one should be found at when He comes.
- G.V. Wigram

If a spring has not been opened in a soul, a spring of living water from God's own Son, no waters can flow and there is no life in you.
- G.V. Wigram

If you see any beauty in Christ, and say, "I desire to have that," God will work it in you.
- G.V. Wigram

If the life of Christ is flowing through us, the water from the Rock turning the wheel, as it flows into the heart, it will fill us with joy; and if so, we cannot contain it, it must flow out.
- G.V. Wigram

When people fail, we are inclined to find fault with them, but if you look more closely, you will find that God had some particular truth for them to learn, which the trouble they are in is to teach them.
- G.V. Wigram

When all smiles upon you, you may think there is no need to talk of such a thing as separation from the love of Christ; but if persecution were to come, and you were to be led forth to the fire, you would feel that that love of Christ is a VERY PRECIOUS thing.
- G.V. Wigram

If Christ were always in the heart, we should not let the sand of the wilderness in, not that we should never have any, but if we have the oil of His presence, the sand cannot stick and clog our feet.
- G.V. Wigram

If you do not understand what God's present claims over you are, you may depend upon it that as days of testing come on you will not be able to keep your footing.
- G.V. Wigram

Do I walk as a heavenly man--my ways, my conversation, the ways and conversation of a man whom Christ has stooped to wash in His blood?
- G.V. Wigram

Sorrows and trials are not only like the sand and grit that polish a stone, but I shall be made to taste, through the trouble, what Christ is to me.
- G.V. Wigram

All hangs on Himself, whether to sustain faith or to lead forth praise.
- G.V. Wigram

Wherever the flesh appears, there is something that Satan can touch, and unless we judge ourselves, can turn to grief of heart in us and dishonor to God.
- G.V. Wigram

Soon we shall be up there with Christ. God did not mean us to be happy without Him; but God would first have us to be witnesses for Him down here, to hold out as much light as we can.
- G.V. Wigram

Do you find a single occasion in which Christ ever acted independently of God? If you walk in the same path it will be sweet to you to feel your entire dependency, finding in all difficulties the everlasting arms underneath.
- G.V. Wigram

If you have only a little ray of light, show out distinctly that you are for Him.
- G.V. Wigram

Christ cannot light a single spark in the heart of an individual, without that little tiny spark being for God. He gives the light, and has ordained that every ray of it is to reflect something for God.
- G.V. Wigram

Can I connect all the sorrows of the wilderness with Christ's glory? Have I set up as my banner, "To me to live is Christ"? Do I devote myself and all I have to Christ's glory, turning everything into an occasion for magnifying Him?
- G.V. Wigram

If I could say I am a better man than when I began life in Christ, it would be only because I see more of my own vileness now than I did years ago.
- G.V. Wigram

We may be often not in right circumstances, but Christ ever knows how to speak to us in them.
- G.V. Wigram

What we want is a rope let down from above--the strength of Him up there, let down into our souls.
- G.V. Wigram

If you and I have taken the place of owning Christ as Lord, we shall be sure to have a little bit of suffering. If He is Lord over me, I must do everything to please Him, and I shall be sure to displease friends. I must give up this thing and not do the other, cost what it may, if He is Master.
- G.V. Wigram

No one can get above circumstances unless he knows that he has the ear of God. The power of intercession is a great thing to the servant of God.
- G.V. Wigram

Strange that I am not ever looking up, if I expect to see the door of heaven open, and the One I love coming out. Oh! What a scene, when He comes forth to change these vile bodies, fashioning them like to His own glorious body!
- G.V. Wigram

When I say, "God is love," what do I mean by it? Why this, that God sent His only-begotten Son that we might have life in Him. We still carry about the old nature; but, blessed be God, many a time as Satan has caught me, he has never destroyed me; there is the propitiation,--I am inside, sheltered by the blood, and forgiven.
- G.V. Wigram

The freshness of heart in Christ was always the same. You and I get so weary in our experience of the wilderness, but Christ's heart is never wearied, it is as freshly set on the bride as when God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.
- G.V. Wigram

We are too apt to look and see how others walk, which is not faith, and to allow our own steps to be more or less affected by the walk of others around us. But in so doing, my soul is not carrying out the spirit of life in my walk.
- G.V. Wigram

Are you ready to go at once straight into heaven, if the gates were thrown open? What manner of persons ought we to be to say it! Are we walking in a way perfectly consistent with stepping tonight at once into the glory, to be at home in the Father's house?
- G.V. Wigram

You could never tell what Christ would have you to be about, but if you go with Him in everything, there will be consistency with the ways of Christ. If you go with self, you will find a stop.
- G.V. Wigram

The people of God may have to taste a little of the waters of death's dark river, but Christ went to the very bottom of it, and rose again, and is alive for evermore.
- G.V. Wigram

Shall we find that we have experienced all Christ's love here, when we meet Him in heaven?
- G.V. Wigram

What wealth have you, if you have not got Christ? If Christ is the object before you, will all the things that fret you take Christ from you? All the things you long for, will they give you more of Christ?
- G.V. Wigram

The question of speaking to souls is a question of personal love to the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not say you have no gift for it. Do you love Christ? If so, you will never lose an opportunity of speaking a word for Him.
- G.V. Wigram

Do you want comfort? Nothing can give it so much as the thought of His coming. There may be sorrow in the night, but joy enough--fullness of joy--in that morning when we shall see Him as He is: fullness of joy in being like Him and with Him for evermore.
- G.V. Wigram

Have you known fellowship in suffering with Christ? known deep waters? You will have to go down to them. If you do not get sorrow in fellowship with Christ, you will get it in discipline.
- G.V. Wigram

It is one thing for the living water to descend from Christ into the heart, and another thing how--when it has descended--it moves the heart to worship. All power of worship in the soul, is the result of the waters flowing into it, and their flowing back again to God.
- G.V. Wigram

When one thinks of the wondrous glory of Christ, how astonishing that He can join with us! But more, when one thinks of His bringing many sons to glory at such a cost, one is lost in adoring amazement.
- G.V. Wigram

He knows where every, separate little heap of dust rests--the dust of a Peter and of a Paul,--all to be raised in a moment and made glorious bodies like unto His own. Then it will come out in a volume, the whole sum and substance of the gospel of the glory shut up in Him.
- G.V. Wigram

I see Christ's heart yearning over poor sinners--not poor sinners' hearts yearning after Christ.
- G.V. Wigram

Is the peace of God in the soul disturbed by things down here? No, never! If waters break in stormy currents against a rock, the rock is unmoved; it is only the waters that are disturbed.
- G.V. Wigram

God has set us in His Son, hidden us in Him. As Moses was put into the cleft of the rock, so God has put us into Christ.
- G.V. Wigram

If the God of heaven is occupied with us, how many thoughts ought not we to have of that God? It is only as occupied with God and with Christ that we can be unworldly.
- G.V. Wigram

If you and I are to meet Christ with joy when He comes, we must make quite sure that our consciences are up to the mark with Him where He is in God's presence; able to be in identification with Him up there in the light: if not, you will not be able to meet His face with joy.
- G.V. Wigram

When He separates any one to Himself, He plants the blood of Christ right behind them.
- G.V. Wigram

It is a strange thing that the first principles of religion are so forgotten in these days. Do you know what you imply when you say that you are a Christian? It is that you are as guiltless in God's sight as Christ Himself.
- G.V. Wigram

We shall know nothing about beauty of walk till we come to compare our walk with the walk of Christ on earth.
- G.V. Wigram

The doctrine of the gospel as in the person of Christ is a lost thing in the present day, because it is always presented on the side that meets man, and not God's side.
- G.V. Wigram

The Lord draws every soul alike; a pure spring of water will fill every vessel alike, whatever the size or shape of the vessel.
- G.V. Wigram

God saw in the cross of His Son the only door by which he could enter to give blessing to sinners.
- G.V. Wigram

Total Quotes Found: 54