Man may dismiss compassion from his heart, but God never will.
- William Cowper
The tear that is wiped with a little address may be followed, perhaps, by a smile.
- William Cowper
Knowledge is proud that she knows so much; wisdom is humble that she knows no more.
- William Cowper
Great offices will have great talents, and God gives to every man the virtue, temper, understanding, taste, that lifts him into life, and lets him fall just in the niche he was ordained to fill.
- William Cowper
There is no grace that the spirit of self can counterfeit with more success than a religious zeal.
- William Cowper
How happy it is to believe, with a steadfast assurance, that our petitions are heard even while we are making them; and how delightful to meet with a proof of it in the effectual and actual grant of them.
- William Cowper
The Spirit breathes upon the Word and brings the truth to sight.
- William Cowper
Happy the man who sees a God employed in all the good and ills that checker life.
- William Cowper
And what else is the cause of all transgression, but that man's ignorant pride will have his will preferred to the will of God.
- William Cowper
Their blood is shed in confirmation of the noblest claim - the claim to feed upon immortal truth, to walk with God, and be divinely free.
- William Cowper
Vice stings us even in our pleasures, but virtue consoles us even in our pains.
- William Cowper