14 Encouraging Quotes about Overcoming Addiction

Addictions are a heavy burden. Whether it’s an addiction to sugar, drugs, or pornography, addictions are a tool of the devil to keep people in bondage and away from God. But there is hope – God is stronger than the devil or any addiction. If you or someone you know is struggling with any sort of addiction, my prayer is that these quotes and verses will shine the light of hope.

Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street.
- Zig Ziglar

Knowing the truth concerning the deep workings of the evil spirit helps the individual not only to overcome sins but to eliminate unnecessary afflictions as well.
- Watchman Nee

A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit.
- Desiderius Erasmus

Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
- Matthew 26:41

God has defeated Satan through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through this overwhelming victory, God has also empowered you to overcome any temptation to sin and has provided sufficient resources for you to respond biblically to any problem of life. By relying on God's power and being obedient to His Word, you can be an overcomer in any situation.
- John C. Broger

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
- Galatians 5:1

When we pray for the Spirit's help ... we will simply fall down at the Lord's feet in our weakness. There we will find the victory and power that comes from His love.
- Andrew Murray

God's purpose gives life meaning.
- Woodrow Kroll

If your life is empty, fill it with Christ.
- Woodrow Kroll

Temptation may even be a blessing to a man when it reveals to him his weakness and drives him to the almighty Savior. Do not be surprised, then, dear child of God, if you are tempted at every step of your earthly journey, and almost beyond endurance; but you will not be tempted beyond what you are able to bear, and with every temptation there will be a way of escape.
- F.B. Meyer

Give up the struggle and the fight; relax in the omnipotence of the Lord Jesus; look up into His lovely face and as you behold Him, He will transform you into His likeness. You do the beholding--He does the transforming. There is no short-cut to holiness.
- Alan Redpath

Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory.
- Frederick W. Faber

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
- 1 Corinthians 10:13

Nothing paralyzes our lives like the attitude that things can never change. We need to remind ourselves that God can change things. Outlook determines outcome. If we see only the problems, we will be defeated; but if we see the possibilities in the problems, we can have victory.
- Warren Wiersbe

Total Quotes Found: 14

Through Jesus anyone can be free of any negative addiction. Jesus has already overcome the world, and He wants you to be an overcomer, as well. Find your hope in Jesus, and keep fighting!