Aiden Wilson Tozer was a minister for 44 years. He was a writer and editor of the official Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) magazine, now called Alliance Life. He was also a very successful author of over 40 Christian books, of which he wrote mostly about the need of a deeper relationship with God. Most of the money he made from writing these books was given away to those with a greater need.
I'm not afraid of the devil. The devil can handle me - he's got judo I never heard of. But he can't handle the One to whom I'm joined; he can't handle the One to whom I'm united; he can't handle the One whose nature dwells in my nature.
- A. W. Tozer

God dwells in His creation and is everywhere indivisibly present in all His works. He is transcendent above all His works even while He is immanent within them.
- A. W. Tozer

A pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself.
- A. W. Tozer

Faith as Paul saw it, was a living, flaming thing leading to surrender and obedience to the commandments of Christ.
- A. W. Tozer

In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we're pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker's praise without anxiety.
- A. W. Tozer

We must meet the uncertainties of this world with the certainty of the world to come.
- A. W. Tozer

If God gives you a watch, are you honoring Him more by asking Him what time it is or by simply consulting the watch?
- A. W. Tozer

The Cross is the lightning rod of grace that short-circuited God's wrath to Christ so that only the light of His love remains for believers.
- A. W. Tozer

Salvation is from our side a choice, from the divine side it is a seizing upon, an apprehending, a conquest by the Most High God. Our "accepting" and "willing" are reactions rather than actions. The right of determination must always remain with God.
- A. W. Tozer

The Bible is a supernatural book and can be understood only by supernatural aid.
- A. W. Tozer

The faith of Christ offers no buttons to push for quick service. The new order must wait the Lord's own time, and that is too much for the man in a hurry. He just gives up and becomes interested in something else.
- A. W. Tozer

God is not silent. It is the nature of God to speak. The second person of the Holy Trinity is called the Word.
- A. W. Tozer

Jesus is not one of many ways to approach God, nor is He the best of several ways; He is the only way.
- A. W. Tozer
The Spirit-filled life is not a special, deluxe edition of Christianity. It is part and parcel of the total plan of God for His people.
- A. W. Tozer
Have you noticed how much praying for revival has been going on of late - and how little revival has resulted? I believe the problem is that we have been trying to substitute praying for obeying, and it simply will not work.
- A. W. Tozer
God wants us to worship Him. He doesn't need us, for He couldn't be a self-sufficient God and need anything or anybody, but He wants us. When Adam sinned it was not He who cried, "God, where art Thou?" It was God who cried, "Adam, where art thou?"
- A. W. Tozer
The most critical need of the church at this moment is men, bold men, free men. The church must seek, in prayer and much humility, the coming again of men made of the stuff of which prophets and martyrs are made.
- A. W. Tozer
The man or woman who is wholly or joyously surrendered to Christ can't make a wrong choice - any choice will be the right one.
- A. W. Tozer
It is scarcely possible in most places to get anyone to attend a meeting where the only attraction is God.
- A. W. Tozer
The Bible recognizes no faith that does not lead to obedience, nor does it recognize any obedience that does not spring from faith. The two are at opposite sides of the same coin.
- A. W. Tozer
Religion today is not transforming the people - it is being transformed by the people. It is not raising the moral level of society - it is descending to society's own level and congratulating itself that it has scored a victory because society is smiling accepting its surrender.
- A. W. Tozer
The vague and tenuous hope that God is too kind to punish the ungodly has become a deadly opiate for the consciences of millions.
- A. W. Tozer
What then are we to do about our problems? We must learn to live with them until such time as God delivers us from them. We must pray for grace to endure them without murmuring. Problems patiently endured will work for our spiritual perfecting. They harm us only when we resist them or endure them unwillingly
- A. W. Tozer
An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others.
- A. W. Tozer
If I see aright, the cross of popular evangelicalism is not the cross of the New Testament. It is, rather, a new bright ornament upon the bosom of a self-assured and carnal Christianity. The old cross slew men, the new cross entertains them. The old cross condemned; the new cross amuses. The old cross destroyed confidence in the flesh; the new cross encourages it.
- A. W. Tozer
It is altogether doubtful whether any man can be saved who comes to Christ for His help with no intention to obey Him.
- A. W. Tozer
We're here to be worshippers first and workers only second. We take a convert and immediately make a worker out of him. God never meant it to be so. God meant that a convert should learn to be a worshiper, and after that he can learn to be a worker...The work done by a worshiper will have eternity in it.
- A. W. Tozer
No man should desire to be happy who is not at the same time holy. He should spend his efforts in seeking to know and do the will of God, leaving to Christ the matter of how happy he should be.
- A. W. Tozer
We need a baptism of clear seeing. We desperately need seers who can see through the mist--Christian leaders with prophetic vision. Unless they come soon it will be too late for this generation. And if they do come we will no doubt crucify a few of them in the name of our worldly orthodoxy.
- A. W. Tozer
If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95 percent of what they did would stop, and everybody would know the difference
- A. W. Tozer
We have become so engrossed in the work of the Lord that we have forgotten the Lord of the work.
- A. W. Tozer
The labor of self-love is a heavy one indeed. Think whether much of your sorrow has not arisen from someone speaking slightingly of you. As long as you set yourself up as a little god to which you must be loyal, how can you hope to find inward peace.
- A. W. Tozer
We understand and acknowledge that the Resurrection has placed a glorious crown upon all of Christ's sufferings
- A. W. Tozer
Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer but richer for having made it.
- A. W. Tozer
A true and safe leader is likely to be one who has no desire to lead, but is forced into a position of leadership by the inward pressure of the Holy Spirit and the press of the external situation.
- A. W. Tozer
True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the One who cannot lie. It is enough that God has said it.
- A. W. Tozer
It is either all of Christ or none of Christ! I believe we need to preach again a whole Christ to the world - a Christ who does not need our apologies, a Christ who will not be divided, a Christ who will either be Lord of all or will not be Lord at all!
- A. W. Tozer
Salvation apart from obedience is unknown in the sacred Scriptures... Apart from obedience there can be no salvation, for salvation without obedience is a self-contradictory impossibility.
- A. W. Tozer
The church that is not jealously protected by mighty intercession and sacrificial labors will before long become the abode of every evil bird and the hiding place for unsuspected corruption. The creeping wilderness will soon take over that church that trusts in its own strength and forgets to watch and pray.
- A. W. Tozer
Without doubt the mightiest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God.
- A. W. Tozer
We have learned to live with unholiness and have come to look upon it as the natural and expected thing.
- A. W. Tozer
The God of the modern evangelical rarely astonishes anybody. He manages to stay pretty much with the constitution. Never break our by-laws. He's a very well-behaved God and very denominational and very much like one of us...we ask Him to help us when we're in trouble and look to Him to watch over us when we're asleep. The God of the modern evangelical isn't a God I could have much respect for.
- A. W. Tozer
Faith, as Paul saw it, was a living, flaming thing leading to surrender and obedience to the commandments of Christ.
- A. W. Tozer
We must face the fact that many today are notoriously careless in their living. This attitude finds its way into the church. We have liberty, we have money, we live in comparative luxury. As a result, discipline practically has disappeared. What would a violin solo sound like if the strings on the musician's instrument were all hanging loose, not stretched tight, not "disciplined"?
- A. W. Tozer