The faith of Christ offers no buttons to push for quick service. The new order must wait the Lord's own time, and that is too much for the man in a hurry. He just gives up and becomes interested in something else.
- A. W. Tozer
May the things of this world so lose their power over us that we do not in the slightest wish to be "worldly"; nay, we even delight in not remaining "in the world."
- Watchman Nee
If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever.
- Thomas Aquinas
A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.
- John Calvin
I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; and Heaven without Hell.
- William Booth
If the whole church goes off into deception, that will in no way excuse us for not following Christ.
- Leonard Ravenhill
I will not believe that thou hast tasted of the honey of the gospel if thou can eat it all to thyself.
- Charles Spurgeon
How can you pull down strongholds of Satan if you don't even have the strength to turn off your TV?
- Leonard Ravenhill
The Church used to be a lifeboat rescuing the perishing. Now she is a cruise ship recruiting the promising.
- Leonard Ravenhill
A minister, without boldness, is like a smooth file, a knife without an edge, a sentinel that is afraid to let off his gun. If men will be bold in sin, ministers must be bold to reprove.
- William Gurnall
Can we be casual in the work of God -- casual when the house is on fire, and people in danger of being burned?
- Duncan Campbell
We should not ask, "What is wrong with the world?" for that diagnosis has already been given. Rather, we should ask, "What has happened to the salt and light?"
- John Stott
Loving the world destroys our relationship with God, it denies our faith in God, and it discounts our future with God.
- David Jeremiah
Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care.
- Blaise Pascal
Today's church wants to be raptured from responsibility.
- Leonard Ravenhill
When there are dissensions, and jealousies, and evil speakings among professors of religion, then there is great need of a revival. These things show that Christians have got far from God, and it is time to think earnestly of a revival.
- Charles Finney
When sinners are careless and stupid, and sinking into hell unconcerned, it is time the church should bestir themselves. It is as much the duty of the church to awake, as it is for the firemen to awake when a fire breaks out in the night in a great city.
- Charles Finney
My fear is not that our great movement, known as the Methodists, will eventually cease to exist or one day die from the earth. My fear is that our people will become content to live without the fire, the power, the excitement, the supernatural element that makes us great.
- John Wesley
There is a kind of gospel being proclaimed today which conveniently accommodates itself to the spirit of the age, and makes no demand for godliness.
- Duncan Campbell
The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope.
- Henry Ward Beecher
The world has lost the power to blush over its vice; the Church has lost her power to weep over it.
- Leonard Ravenhill
We run carelessly to the precipice, after we have put something before us to prevent us seeing it.
- Blaise Pascal
Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds.
- Zig Ziglar
If the church marries herself to the spirit of the times, she will find herself a widow in the next generation.
- Charles Stanley
There are a lot of Christians who are halfway fellows. They stand in the door, holding on to the Church with one hand while they play with the toys of the world with the other. They are in the doorway and we can't bring sinners in.
- Mordecai Ham
Compromise used to mean that half a loaf was better than no bread. Among modern statesmen it really seems to mean that half a loaf; is better than a whole loaf.
- G.K. Chesterton
Never adopt an attitude of indifference, for if you do you will suffer for it. The weight will grow heavier and heavier.
- Watchman Nee
The weakness of human nature has always appeared in times of great revivals of religion, by a disposition to run into extremes, especially in these three things: enthusiasm, superstition, and intemperate zeal.
- Jonathan Edwards
How easy it is to live more or less in the enjoyment of God's free grace, and yet not realize that we are called to fulfill a divinely appointed purpose.
- Duncan Campbell
We like security: we like the pope to be infallible in matters of faith, and grave doctors to be so in moral questions so that we can feel reassured.
- Blaise Pascal
Christian Youth, I need to ask why you sit in the padded pews of your fathers while all around the darkness takes your cities and your friends.
- Andrew Strom
You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.
- Martin Luther
The man who has nothing more than a kind of Sunday religion -- whose Christianity is like his Sunday clothes put on once a week, and then laid aside -- such a man cannot, of course, be expected to care about growth in grace.
- J. C. Ryle
Take heed of drowsiness in hearing; drowsiness shows much irreverence. How lively are many when they are about the world, but in the worship of God how drowsy. ...In the preaching of the Word, is not the bread of life broken to you; and will a man fall asleep at his food? Which is worse, to stay from a sermon, or sleep at sermon?
- Thomas Watson
All the danger is when the world gets into the heart. The water is useful for the sailing of the ship; all the danger is when the water gets into the ship; so the fear is when the world gets into the heart.
- Thomas Watson
A prayerless church member is a hindrance. He is in the body like a rotting bone or a decayed tooth. Before long, since he does not contribute to the benefit of his brethren, he will become a danger and a sorrow to them. Neglect of private prayer is the locust which devours the strength of the church.
- Charles Spurgeon
Too many, through want of prudence, are golden apprentices, silver journeymen, and copper masters.
- George Whitefield
I see no hope for a revival among God's people today. They are so enamored and so cluttered up with Hollywood and newspapers and magazines and parties and bowling alleys and camping trips and everything else. How in the world are they going to get still long enough to see anything from God?
- Lester Roloff
oday, we have a Christianity made easy as an accommodation to an age that is unwilling to face the implication of Calvary, and the gospel of 'simply believism' has produced a harvest of professions which have done untold harm to the cause of Christ.
- Duncan Campbell