A God wise enough to create me and the world I live in is wise enough to watch out for me.
- Philip Yancey

Nothing whatever, whether great or small, can happen to a believer, without God's ordering and permission. There is no such thing as "chance," "luck" or "accident" in the Christian's journey through this world. All is arranged and appointed by God. And all things are "working together" for the believer's good.
- J. C. Ryle

Prayer honors God, acknowledges His being, exalts His power, adores His providence, secures His aid.
- E.M. Bounds

God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them.
- Augustine

God gives us the ingredients for our daily bread, but he expects us to do the baking!
- Chip Ingram

God desires to show His power through your storm, but is your lack of faith keeping Him from doing so? God brings storms into your life to show His strength and to gain glory from His providence.
- Paul Chappell

Only good things come from God's hands. He never gives you more than you can bear. Every burden prepares you for eternity.
- Basilea Schlink

It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.
- George Washington
He that takes truth for his guide, and duty for his end, may safely trust to God's providence to lead him alright.
- Blaise Pascal
As every mercy is a drop obtained from the ocean of God's goodness, so every affliction is a drachm weighed out in the wisdom of God's providence.
- James H. Aughey
Providence has at all times been my only dependence, for all other resources seemed to have failed us.
- George Washington
The mystery of the universe, and the meaning of God's world, are shrouded in hopeless obscurity, until we learn to feel that all laws suppose a lawgiver, and that all working involves a Divine energy.
- Alexander MacLaren
Jesus wills of His own accord to come into us and, in His own power, to deal with our needs. It is not necessary for us to constrain Him by our prayers to take an interest in us.
- Ole Hallesby
Providence is wonderfully intricate. Ah! You want always to see through Providence, do you not? You never will, I assure you. You have not eyes good enough. You want to see what good that affliction was to you; you must believe it. You want to see how it can bring good to the soul; you may be enabled in a little time; but you cannot see it now; you must believe it. Honor God by trusting Him.
- Charles Spurgeon
The vision of the Divine Presence ever takes the form which our circumstances most require.
- Alexander MacLaren
On the head of Christ are many crowns. He wears the crown of victory; He wears the crown of sovereignty; He wears the crown of creation; He wears the crown of providence; He wears the crown of grace; He wears the crown of glory - for every one of His glorified people owes his honor, happiness and blessedness to Him.
- James H. Aughey
The boundless stores of Providence are engaged for the support of the believer. Christ is our Joseph, who has granaries full of wheat; but He does not treat us as Joseph did the Egyptians, for He opens the door of His storehouse and bids us call all the good therein our own. He has entailed upon His estate of Providence a perpetual charge of a daily portion for us, and He has promised that one day we shall clearly perceive that the estate itself has been well-farmed on our behalf and has always been ours. The axle of the wheels of the chariot of Providence is Infinite Love, and Gracious Wisdom is the perpetual charioteer.
- Charles Spurgeon
Providence would seem to sleep unless faith and prayer awaken it. The disciples had but little faith in their Master's accounts, yet that little faith awakened him in a storm, and he relieved them. Unbelief doth only discourage God from showing his power in taking our parts.
- Stephen Charnock
The vision of the Divine Presence ever takes the form which our circumstances most require.
- Alexander MacLaren
A providence is shaping our ends; a plan is developing in our lives; a supreme and loving Being is making all things work together for good.
- F.B. Meyer
If we be empty and poor, it is not because God's hand is straitened, but ours is not opened.
- Thomas Manton
Whatsoever is good for God's children they shall have it; for all is theirs to help them towards heaven; therefore if poverty be good they shall have it; if disgrace or crosses be good they shall have them; for all is ours to promote our greatest prosperity.
- Richard Sibbes
We failed, but in the good providence of God apparent failure often proves a blessing.
- Assorted Authors
If you have money, power, and status today, it is due to the century and place in which you were born, to your talents and capacities and health, none of which you earned. In short, all your resources are in the end the gift of God.
- Tim Keller
It is the duty of the saints, especially in times of straights, to reflect upon the performances of Providence for them in all the states and through all the stages of their lives.
- John Flavel
In the infinite wisdom of the Lord of all the earth, each event falls with exact precision into its proper place in the unfolding of His divine plan. Nothing, however small, however strange, occurs without His ordering or without its particular fitness for its place in the working out of His purpose; and the end of all shall be the manifestation of His glory, and the accumulation of His praise.
- B.B. Warfield
A firm faith in the universal providence of God is the solution of all earthly troubles.
- B.B. Warfield
Prayer is the way and means God has appointed for the communication of the blessings of His goodness to His people.
- A. W. Pink
There is more stuff and substance of good in the Lord's promises than the sharpest sighted saint did or can perceive; for when we have followed the promise, to find out all the truth which is in it, we meet with a cloud of unsearchable riches, and are forced to leave it there.
- David Dickson
Order your soul; reduce your wants; live in charity; associate in Christian community; obey the laws; trust in Providence.
- Augustine
It is true that we may desire much more. But let us use what we have, and God will give us more.
- Adoniram Judson
We hear much of a decent pride, a becoming pride, a noble pride, a laudable pride. Can that be decent, of which we ought to be ashamed? Can that be becoming, of which God has set forth the deformity? Can that be noble which God resists and is determined to abase? Can that be laudable, which God calls abominable? Providence is a greater mystery than revelation. The state of the world is more humiliating to our reason than the doctrines of the Gospel. A reflecting Christian sees more to excite his astonishment, and to exercise his faith, in the state of things between Temple Bar and St. Paul's, than in what he reads from Genesis to Revelations.
- Richard Cecil
Ah, did we but rightly understand what the demerit of sin is, we would rather admire the bounty of God than complain of the straithandedness of Providence. And if we did but consider that there lies upon God no obligation of justice or gratitude to reward any of our duties, it would cure our murmurs (Gen. 32:10).
- John Flavel
And may that Being who is supreme over all, the Patron of order, the Fountain of justice, and the Protector, in all ages of the world, of virtuous liberty, continue His blessing upon this nation and its government, and give it all possible success and duration, consistent with the ends of His providence.
- John Quincy Adams
I believe that we are conforming to the divine order and the will of Providence when we are doing even indifferent things that belong to our condition.
- Francois Fenelon
I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in providence, for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth.
- John Quincy Adams
It is only when men associate with the wicked with the desire and purpose of doing them good, that they can rely upon the protection of God to preserve them from contamination.
- Charles Hodge
Inordinate desires commonly produce irregular endeavors. If our wishes be not kept in submission to God's providence, our pursuits will scarcely be kept under the restraints of his precepts.
- Matthew Henry
Nothing that happens in the world happens by chance. God is a God of order. Everything is arranged upon definite principles, and never at random. The world, even the religious world, is governed by law. Character is governed by law. Happiness is governed by law. The Christian experiences are governed by law.
- Henry Drummond
Know the promises of God. The great and mighty promises of our Father mean nothing to most people because they do not know what they are.
- Lee Roberson
Sometimes God makes use of instruments for good to His people, who designed nothing but evil and mischief to them. Thus Joseph's brethren were instrumental to his advancement in that very thing in which they designed his ruin (Gen. 50:20).
- John Flavel
God will not lightly or easily lose His people. He has provided well for us: blood to wash us in; a Priest to pray for us, that we may be made to persevere; and, in case we foully fall, an Advocate to plead our cause.
- John Bunyan
God has great things in store for His people; they ought to have large expectations.
- Charles Spurgeon
Providence has done, and I am persuaded is disposed to do, a great deal for us; but we are not to forget the fable of Jupiter and the countryman.
- George Washington
By the all-powerful dispensations of Providence I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!
- George Washington
God will never allow any action against you that is not in accord with His will for you. And His will is always directed to our good.
- Jerry Bridges