[The] humanistic cornerstone of self-love has become a new doctrine within evangelical Christianity, taught from many of the most popular pulpits. Sermons more often than not quote psychologists and teach their unbiblical psychological concepts for credibility.
- T.A. McMahon
I went to a psychologist friend and said if 500 people claimed to see Jesus after he died, it was just a hallucination. He said hallucinations are an individual event. If 500 people have the same hallucination, that's a bigger miracle than the resurrection.
- Lee Strobel
When attempts are made by Christians to combine psychology with the teachings of Scripture, it is, wittingly or unwittingly, the addition of "a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (Proverbs 14:12) and a variation of the "Yea, hath God said...?" dialogue, resulting in the corruption of God's Word.
- T.A. McMahon
Books on psychology or economics or politics are as continuously metaphorical as books of poetry or devotion.
- C.S. Lewis
The church has been so seduced by psychological counseling for so long that anything that seems at odds with the current counseling practices is usually considered a consequence of ignorance.
- T.A. McMahon