14 Awesome Quotes by William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce was a British politician during the late 1700s and early 1800s. He was an outspoken evangelical Christian, and was instrumental in abolishing the slave trade in England. His career was depicted in the 2007 film Amazing Grace. Since his death in 1833, Wilberforce has been widely considered a Christian hero and an example of how to live out one’s faith.

Can you tell a plain man the road to heaven? Certainly, turn at once to the right, then go straight forward.
- William Wilberforce

The objects of the present life fill the human eye with a false magnification because of their immediacy.
- William Wilberforce

Of all things, guard against neglecting God in the secret place of prayer.
- William Wilberforce

I take courage - I determine to forget all my other fears, and I march forward with a firmer step in the full assurance that my cause will bear me out, and that I shall be able to justify upon the clearest principles, every resolution in my hand, the avowed end of which is, the total abolition of the slave trade.
- William Wilberforce

O what a blessing is Sunday, interposed between the waves of worldly business like the divine path of the Israelites through the sea! There is nothing in which I would advise you to be more strictly conscientious than in keeping the Sabbath day holy. I can truly declare that to me the Sabbath has been invaluable.
- William Wilberforce

Let everyone regulate his conduct by the golden rule of doing to others as in similar circumstances we would have them do to us, and the path of duty will be clear before him.
- William Wilberforce

Men of authority and influence may promote good morals. Let them in their several stations encourage virtue. Let them favor and take part in any plans which may be formed for the advancement of morality.
- William Wilberforce

Our motto must continue to be perseverance. And ultimately I trust the Almighty will crown our efforts with success.
- William Wilberforce

There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God - admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.
- William Wilberforce

Is it not the great end of religion, and, in particular, the glory of Christianity, to extinguish the malignant passions; to curb the violence, to control the appetites, and to smooth the asperities of man; to make us compassionate and kind, and forgiving one to another; to make us good husbands, good fathers, good friends; and to render us active and useful in the discharge of the relative social and civil duties?
- William Wilberforce

When blessed with wealth, let them withdraw from the competition of vanity and be modest, retiring from ostentation, and not be the slaves of fashion.
- William Wilberforce

You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.
- William Wilberforce

If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow-creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large.
- William Wilberforce

Lovely flowers are the smiles of God's goodness.
- William Wilberforce

Total Quotes Found: 14

I hope these quotes have inspired and encouraged you to stand for your faith and declare your Christian values in private and in public!